Im Freien Felde 5 | 38895 Blankenburg | OT Derenburg
Glasmanufaktur Harzkristall

Our creative offers


In our creative courses you can try your hand and really conjure up a unique piece. With our glassmakers you will create a unique experience that you will not forget. Whether ashtray, paperweight or bowl with us you will find the right thing!


Currently we can only offer the production of decorative balls. Thank you for your understanding!

Book your ticket directly

Offers in our show workshop

Our show workshop is one of our centerpieces at the Harzkristall glass manufactory. This is where our glassblowers work, producing small filigree works of art that can also be found in our salesroom.

Dekorkugel blasen

In unserer SCHAUwerkstatt können Sie direkt an der Gasflamme, der sogenannten "Lampe", mit Hilfe unserer GlasbläserInnen eine bunte Dekorkugel gestalten. Das so entstandene Kunstwerk ist eine einmalige Erinnerung an einen unvergesslichen Besuch in der Glasmanufaktur. Auch für unsere kleinen Gäste! Die Kugel kann später aufgehängt werden!

Preis: 9,50 Euro
Dauer: ca. 5 Minuten + 20 Minuten Abkühlzeit
Mindestalter: 5 Jahre

Das Angebot kann täglich auch ohne Voranmeldung ausschließlich vor Ort gebucht werden.
Bei Gruppen und Schulklassen ab 10 Personen bitten wir um vorherige Anmeldung. Bedingt durch Produktionsabläufe kann es Einschränkungen bzw. zeitliche Verschiebungen geben.


Anmeldung ab 10 Personen

Our creative offers

Making glass is not only a four thousand year old tradition, but also an experience and fascination for everyone! In our creative courses you can try your hand and create a unique piece for yourself. With our glassmakers you create a unique experience that you will not forget so quickly. Whether ashtray, paperweight or bowl with us you will find the right thing for you!

Herz oder Blume aus Glas


Ein herzförmiges Teelicht oder eine Blume aus Glas gießen – direkt am Schmelzofen bei 1.200°C gemeinsam mit dem Glasmacher.

Preis: 19,99 Euro + ggf. 7,99 Euro Versand (Abholung auch möglich, Abholung am Folgetag ab 15 Uhr möglich)
Dauer: ca. 10 Minuten + 1 Tag Abkühlzeit
Mindestalter: 6 Jahre
Bedingt durch Produktionsabläufe in der Hütte kann es Einschränkungen bzw. zeitliche Verschiebungen geben.

Das Kreativangebot wird an ausgewählten Terminen angeboten. Unter folgendem Link können Sie alle aktuell verfügbaren Termine einsehen und reservieren.

Jetzt hier einen Termin reservieren.

Unforgettable experience

Blow thirst ball

An unforgettable experience and unique souvenir! The thirst ball is made directly at the furnace in the hut. Under the guidance of a glassmaker, you will experience how difficult it is to blow the hot glass mass into a ball.

Price: 15 euros Duration: approx. 10 minutes + 30 minutes cooling time Minimum age: 6 years Due to production processes in the hut, there may be restrictions or time delays.


The creative offers are suitable for:

Laymen, handicraft enthusiast or artistically talented

Anyone who is looking for adventure

Individuals who want to have a unique experience

Small groups, companies or families


All creative offers take place in our hut in the heart of the Harzkristall glass manufactory in Derenburg. Let us enchant you.

Glassmaking courses

for 1-2 persons

Glassmaking course

In our smelter you will practice at the furnace and work with molten glass. We will give you expert instructions and assist you while you form and blow beautiful unique glass pieces yourself.


  • Welcome by the glassmaker with a short glassworks explanation at the glass melting furnace
  • Explanation, presentation of the working processes and glassmaking tools in theory
  • Glassmaker demonstrates live the complex process of a drinking cup in detail
  • First course participant makes his own drinking cup under guidance
  • During the course the participants make two drinking cups for themselves
  • In the glassmaking workshop, the glassmaker always works alternately with one participant


Course fee:

  • One person: 190€ (course duration approx. 1,5h
  • Two persons: 390€ (course duration: approx. 3h)
  • Including tools, colored glass, assistants, drinks

for 4 to max. 6 persons

Glamaker course

In our smelter you will practice at the furnace and work with molten glass. We will give you expert instruction and assist you while you blow and shape your own drinking cup.

  • Welcome by the glassmaker with a short glassworks introduction at the glass melting furnace
  • Explanation, presentation of the working processes and glassmaking tools in theory
  • The glassmaker demonstrates live the complex process of a drinking cup in detail
  • First course participant makes his own drinking cup under guidance, if required: finishing of the glass by the glassmaker
  • Then all other course participants follow until all drinking glasses are made
  • During the glassmaking course, the glassmaker can only work with one person at a time

Course fee:

  • Per person: 110€ (duration: per person about 30 minutes, maximum 3h).
  • Including tools, colored glass, assistants, drinks

To bring to the glassmaking class:

Loose fitting, airy and comfortable cotton clothing, no synthetics.

Tops: T-shirts, long pants, closed-toe shoes and sunglasses.

The course is not recommended for people who are sensitive to heat or suffer from circulatory problems.


The glassmaking courses are suitable for:

Non-professionals, those who are enthusiastic about handicrafts or artistically talented.

Anyone who is looking for adventure

Individuals who want to have a unique experience

Small groups, companies or families


All courses take place in our glassworks at the Harzkristall glass manufactory in Derenburg.